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Our sustainable commitment

Commitments to sustainability:

To provide a safe and healthy work environment and and to have as our goal the integral human development of employees, minimizing as much as possible, all potential causes of accidents and other types of occupational risks within our organization. Persevere towards complying with all legal requirements regarding Health and Safety at work. Promote the integral development of our employees and our communities by having direct contact with them.

Support and respect the protection of all human rights and never discriminate within our organization. Promote training programs that seek to encourage the awareness of each of the members of our organization and our suppliers about the importance of sustainability and the importance of our actions to our environment. Continuously improve the performance of key sustainability indicators and other areas of occupational health and safety within our organization.


Climate Change

Aware that our programs and projects join efforts to international initiatives such as the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda, our main actions on sustainability issues are focused on reducing impacts on the environment by setting ambitious goals to reduce and neutralize our carbon footprint. We are firmly committed to our clients in achieving neutrality by 2039.


Water Management

We know that water is the most valuable resource we have, that is why at Trevino Leather we develop strategies that allow us to preserve its availability, by taking actions such as internal reuse and the application of advanced technologies in the treatment of our water effluents.



Reinforcing our commitment to the environment, we have excellent practices in waste management with all the organization's personnel, giving the possibility that the waste that we generate from the process can be used in recycling and composting treatments, thus complying with the environmental legislation.


Social Responsibility

At Trevino Leather we design comprehensive strategies aligned to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, which allow us to maintain a business model that is interested in and seeks the well-being of its stakeholders through social responsibility.


Actions in Sustainability

Carbon footprint neutrality 2039
Actions aligned with the United Nations Global Compact

Inclusive Company

More than 30 institutions benefited by donations

Our environmental actions are equivalent to planting +13,980 trees

18% of our waste is used as compost

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